I can't believe I have posted anything new since December...well, I can believe it. School is school, BUT it is almost over, so that is a big plus. With school, ballroom, work, guitar, etc. I haven't been able to touch any of my projects (I did get Christmas gifts done, don't worry!), but I have plans for the summer, so I'm not worried at all.
But first things first:
Christmas Gifts for Friends
Gift #1 (Male friend): Slouch Hat
Sorry! The pictures not so great. |
I based the colors off of his converse, which are dark grey with red laces. The picture doesn't do the hat justice. It really looked great on him and he loved it. He told me very often how much he wore it and how warm it was.
Gift #2 (Male Friend/ Dance Partner): Diagonal Scarf
I gave him the scarf during our first real dance practice together. Man, looking back I never would have thought our friendship would have ended up like it did. He is one of my best friends (if not the BEST!) and I love him to death, even if he drives me crazy some times. I was extremely happy with how the scarf turned out and at times I wanted to keep it for myself.
Gift #3 (Female Friend): Puckered Scarf
This scarf look a while to complete, with the thinner yarn, smaller needles, and different technique. But the look of it is not anything like I have done before, but it is still extremely beautiful. My friend was so suprised when I gave it to her. And she apparently told multiple people about it as well.
Crafty Plans for the Future:
Since I spent a lot of the winter knitting, I need to get my quilting fix in.
Quilts of Valor: I NEED to get my QOV quilts done. I have to just put the binding on the first QOV quilt and I'm in the middle of the second quilt. I hope to get the first two done this summer and start on the third quilt. I'm planning on making the third quilt a hook and eye quilt, but I haven't really gotten any farther than that with planning.
Birthdays: Thankfully, all my best friend's birthdays are at the end of the summer. So I will be able to actually make nice things for them.
The biggest project I'm planning on doing is making a quilt for my dance partner, whose birthday is in September. I'm totally stuck on what to do, but I know I want it to be a modern style quilt, that is big enough to wrap around him and maybe another person... *wink, wink*
For my friend/ guitar teacher (November), I'm going to make him a guitar strap for him. I'm unsure of colors (probably something bright), but I know I want it to have diagonal pieceing and maybe I will embroider his name on it
The last thing is I going to make a simple drawstring bag, in leopard print, for my female friend (August) for her ballroom shoes.
I just can't wait for school to end so I can start being crafty again!